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The 5 most important reasons to build a solid mobile strategy

Starting the second half of 2014, it is a fact that most top internet companies receive more than 50% of their traffic via mobile devices. This doesn’t only confirm that mobile is the future, but it also evidences that companies that aren’t yet prepared for the mobile revolution will potentially lose around 50% of their business… 50%! Find below some reasons which will hopefully help you understand the importance of having a strong presence in the mobile eco-system:

  1. Proximity to customers: Today’s customers are stuck to their phones almost 24h a day and use their mobile devices for much more than just calls and text, so having a mobile friendly website is a must. Furthermore, apps are an even better way of connecting to customers 1-to-1 and increasing engagement.
  2. Brand image: Especially when developing apps but also applying to mobile websites, these new channels will give your business a chance to either reinforce or re-position your brand, since both existing and new customers will receive fresh and renewed brand messages. It is always a good idea to question your companies’ core values and value proposition before moving forward with your mobile strategy, since it will not only remind to you keep them present but also give you a chance to improve or adapt them.
  3. Cost-effectiveness: If you dedicate sufficient time and resources to build and execute a solid mobile strategy, it will more than probably give you positive results and strongly position your brand in one of the fastest-growing markets of all times. Gaining traction will obviously involve some costs, but bear in mind that there are many creative ways of getting noticed for free.
  4. Useful Expertise: Given that the mobile world is the present and future device with the most promising future, the sooner your company begins to work through this channel the faster it will gain enough expertise to make the most of it. The mobile side of a business is quite different from the web, and therefore it will obviously take you some time to gain knowledge and maximize your potential.
  5. Adapt or suffer (maybe even die): Finally, the most obvious of all. If the trend is dramatically moving towards mobile devices, your company should follow. Your competition is probably there, mobile traffic is growing dramatically, and revenues coming from mobile are also increasing. Sustaining a business without a mobile approach will become harder every day, are you really willing to miss the train to success?


Photo Credit: JD Hancock via Compfight cc